Also known as "Otter" this carnivorous mammal can often be found lapping jumps and enjoying a variety of aquatic pursuits. Despite climbing origins this animal has fully adapted to the canyon environment and can be found in various canyons across the PNW throughout most of summer.
Other than an obsession with the Petzl Pur line the Otter is normally a reasonable creature who can be found smiling and fully enjoying whichever canyon environment they are found in. If given an opportunity do not hesitate to join the Otter in their canyon mirth; however do not mistake the Otter's mirth for incompetence; this creature is equally happy to revel in a canyon's joy as to share in it's work (though they sometimes need to be reminded to bag the rope, especially when not allowed to use their precious Pur).
While the Otter is prolific in canyon consumption it has acquired a particular affinity for Wallace, High Falls and Ashton Canyon. If recruiting for or recruited by the Otter in these pursuits you will find yourself in the presence of a particularly capable and jolly guide.