Strmi Graben

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Strmi Graben Canyoneering Canyoning Caving
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Strmi Graben Banner.jpg

Difficulty:4A III R (v5a1 III)
Raps:max ↨197ft
Descent:3.5-5h ⟷0.6mi ↑1444ft
Shuttle:Required 1.1km
Rock type:Limestone
Condition Reports:
11 Nov 2022

"Zufahrt zum 2. P ist durch einen Schlagbaum dauerhaft gesperrt. Etwas mühseliger Anstieg. Das 2 60 m Seil am besten deponieren wenn man die Schlucht

(log in to submit report)
Best season:
Apr - Oct
GPS data automatically extracted from, please visit their site for more detailed information.


Strmi Graben is a creek at the south face of Visoki Kurji vrh in Karavanke. The lower part of the creek has water only one or two days after the heavy rain and at that time it forms the biggest waterfall in Karavanke (about 150m high). The best time to go to the canyon is one day after the heavy rain, when other canyons are impossible to go through due to high waterlevel.

Zone: Gorenjska – Zgornjesavska dolina – Belca

Qualities: Entrance: 1180 m Exit: 740 m Height: 440 m Length: 1000 m

Period April-October

Times: Approach: 1 h Progression: 4-5 h Return: 5 min

Shuttle: Yes (1,1 km)

Equipment: Sufficient

Rope: 2 x 60 m

Possible exit Yes

Maps: Občina Kranjska Gora 1:30.000

Attraction: Local

Difficulty: V5 a1 III


From Kranjska Gora drive towards Jesenice. Cross the Gozd Martuljek village, cleaning wastewater treatment plant (on the left), rest place (on left side), after that you cross dry creek (Strmi graben). Next to the small bidge there is space to park one car. With the second car continue towards Jesenice and after next bend there is a gravel road going uphill on the left side. Follow that gravel road untill you drive 1,1 km from the first parking. Park the second car on the right side of the road.

Follow the path going from the car going across to the left and upwards. The path soon gets narrower and hardly visible. The path crosses the Strm Graben (possible exit) and continues on the other side of the stream. After the path dissapears, continue straight up the forrested ridge until you come across another path. Follow this path to the right for 5 minutes. For the access and approach see Map 1 and enlarged Map 2.

  • Descent

    D + walking 100 m in the riverbed

    C (tree) /D 5 m

    C 10m: 1 spit (R)

    C 30m: 1 spit (R) / C 15m + D 15m

    100m walking

    C 15m: 1 spit with rope (L)

    C 6m: 1 spit (R)

    C 25m: 2 spits with chain (R)

    C 7m: 1 spit (L)

    D + walking 50 m

    C (root) /D 4 m

    D + walking 100 m

    Possible exit (the path crossing the stream)

    D 6m

    C 5m: tree with rope (R)

    C 15m: 2 spits with nylon track (L)

    C 30m: 2 spits with chain (R) C 15m: 2 spits with chain (L) C 60m: 2 spits with chain (L)

    C 60m: 1 spit (R)

    !plain incline and friable !

    D + walking 200 m

    Path on the left side of the strem.

    C = cascate

    D = down climb

    L = left

    R = right


    Red tape

    Beta sites

    Trip reports and media



    Information provided by automated processes. Main photo by (unknown). Authors are listed in chronological order.

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