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Ropewiki is a publicly-editable repository of information about canyoneering, caving and other Single Rope Technique related disciplines.
The default language is English, but articles can be written in any language and automatically translated thanks to Google Translate. To change your preferred language hover over the icon with the flags in the upper right. How to Get StartedUse the search box in the upper right to search for a particular location name. Ropewiki locations are categorized into regions around the world and you can view all the locations in a particular region, either by searching for a region name or from a location by clicking on one of the links in the Regions section at the bottom of its stats box on the right. Ropewiki pages can be viewed by anyone, but to contribute you will need to create a user account. The How to contribute link (seen in the menubar to the left) has full instructions on how to modify existing locations and add new ones. Quick links: FeedbackThe best way to reach the Ropewiki team for feedback, suggestions, or bug reports is by posting in the Ropewiki Facebook group. Knowledge Base
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