Red Wall Canyon (Main Fork)

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Red Wall Canyon (Main Fork) Canyoneering Canyoning Caving
 For other features with similar names, see Red Wall Canyon (disambiguation)
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Red Wall Canyon (Main Fork) Banner.jpg

Difficulty:3A III (v2a1 III)
Raps:‌1, max ↨20ft
Overall: ⟷5.4mi
Red Tape:No permit required
Condition Reports:
17 Feb 2010

"Most recent conditions reported at, see Trip Report for full details.

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Best season:
Nov-Mar (avg for this region)
GPS data automatically extracted from, please visit their site for more detailed information.


(SCOTT SWANEY) - PUT ON MY MAP AS A REFERENCE CANYON. MAINLY A HIKING CANYON WITH ONE 20' DRYFALL TO CLIMB OVER. BUT PUT HERE BECAUSE OF TWO OTHER UPPER CANYON FORKS I COMPLETED THAT DRAIN INTO THIS CANYON. IT IS STILL A VERY PRETTY CANYON TO GET INTO. By getting into this canyon, you have to get up a 20' high chockstone that blocks the hiking route up. It would have a 5th Class climbing rating to climb up it. People have brought ladders in there, put knotted rope up, etc., to be able to get up the canyon.



There is one 20' dry-fall near the mouth that would be considered a rappel, or a sketchy down-climb. For that one drop I think the canyon should carry a Class 3 rating even if that is the only technical falls in the main canyon. If people saw it as a Class 2 canyon. and went unprepared, there could be an accident. I have been thru there three times, and each time something different has been brought in there by hikers such as a wooden ladder, a knotted rope to climb & descend on, and webbing set for a rappel anchor. Many hikers do go up this canyon, and most try to get over this obstacle without much of a bypass option available.


Red tape

Beta sites

Trip reports and media


Originally explored by Scott Swaney on 2013-03-11 under the identifier "G". See more at Scott Swaney's Death Valley Canyoneering Exploration.


Information provided by automated processes. Main photo by (unknown). Authors are listed in chronological order.

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