Sierra Canyon

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Sierra Canyon Canyoneering Canyoning Caving
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Sierra Canyon Banner.jpg

Difficulty:3B III (v3a2 III)
Raps:‌7, max ↨50ft
Overall:6-9h ⟷5mi
Approach:2-3h ↑1000ft
Exit:2-3h ↑0ft
Red Tape:No permit required
Condition Reports:
30 Dec 2024

"Perfect winter canyon for a mixed group.. With road reopened, parking from the pullout 3/4 mile north of the bridge is a much easier hike than com

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Best season:
Nov-Apr, After rains


One of the more interesting and worthwhile canyons in the Superstition Mountains.


Park at Fish Creek Hill vista. The Apache Trail is closed to vehicles beyond this point due to rockfall and road damage.

Recommend referencing KML track.

From the car park, follow the road a short distance beyond the closure. Just before you reach a large yellow road sign adorned with stickers, cut left down into a drainage that will bring you directly to Fish Creek. The drainage is nontechnical, quite clean, and has a few easy downclimbs. Car to creek should take between 30-45 minutes. Hike up the creek a short distance to the approach gully and begin working your way up to the saddle that enables access to all of the call sign canyons. A faint game trail weaves steeply up the hillside between the cliffs on the left and dry creek bed on the right. Once at the saddle, scramble up over a small ridge and enter the Sierra drainage.

Alternatively, you can approach by hiking the closed section of road from the vista down to Fish Creek and then downstream a ways until you reach the gully, but this option is less interesting, less engaging, and will add about an hour to the total trip time.


Much of the rock in the Superstition Mountains is poor quality. It is recommended to stay in the watercourse on this route and others, using established anchors on what is often scoured, higher quality rock than that found in the surrounding environment. A fatality occurred on December 30, 2021 when a group placed and rappelled off a marginal anchor to bypass a pool and avoid getting wet.

R1: 15’ off rock pinch into shallow pool.

R2: 25’ off rock pinch RDC.

R3: 20’ off rock pinch into deep pool. Alternatively, traverse along an exposed ledge LDC leads to a slung boulder anchor and 50’ rap to avoid pool.

R4: 45’ off small tree high LDC into deep pool. This pool is avoidable by carefully climbing around an edge midway through rappel.

R5: 25’ off rock pinch.

The canyon opens up briefly and the north fork of Sierra can soon be seen entering LUC. A few downclimbs will bring you to a second narrow section.

R6: 50’ off boulder LDC.

R7: 40’ off rock pinch.


Hike along Fish Creek until the approach / exit drainage enters from the right. Take this drainage back up to Fish Creek Hill parking area. There is some scrambling up and around boulders, but nothing too challenging.

Alternatively, you can continue hiking along Fish Creek to the closed section of the 88, and then walk a couple miles along the road back to the parking area. This is a more gradual ascent, but includes more creek walking and may add approximately an hour to the exit.

Red tape

Beta sites

Trip reports and media



Information provided by automated processes. KML map by (unknown). Main photo by (unknown). Authors are listed in chronological order.

In all habitats live animals and plants that deserve respect, please minimize impact on the environment and observe the local ethics. Canyoneering, Canyoning, Caving and other activities described in this site are inherently dangerous. Reliance on the information contained on this site is solely at your own risk. There is no warranty as to accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information provided on this site. The site administrators and all the contributing authors expressly disclaim any and all liability for any loss or injury caused, in whole or in part, by its actions, omissions, or negligence in procuring, compiling or providing information through this site, including without limitation, liability with respect to any use of the information contained herein. If you notice any omission or mistakes, please contribute your knowledge (more information).
