Conditions:Lizard King Canyon-20241225142456

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22 Dec 2024 (22 days ago)

Reported by: Cheveran (84 reports)
Water temperature:
Time: Time3.png 5 hours Bar3.png

Team: 8 people

Trip report URL:

Comments: Went through here with a rondy team. OK half day canyon. Not especially compelling scenery nor notable challenges.

All condition reports

Date Quality Waterflow Wetsuit Difficulty Time Team Reported by
22 Dec 2024

Time3.png 5 hours
8 people
Cheveran (84 reports)
Comment: Went through here with a rondy team. OK half day canyon. Not especially compelling scenery nor notable challenges.




Special challenges
Time3.png 8 hours
7 people
Intermediate to Advanced
DU5TY317 (7 reports)
Comment: Ended up taking the right side starting from the large alluvial fan. Went past a big Cairn that in hindsight, may have been a good spot to climb up from the cairn onto the ridge and keep going that direction. We were off from the gpx from that point and were off by about 500 ft. Ended up scrambling up some very poor quality rock on that side and set up hand lines all the way up until eventually dropping into the canyon. The rock climbers in the group were perfectly fine, but a couple of the girls in the group were less comfortable, hence the handlines leap frogging up, which was fun practice.

We were contemplating going back down to get to the left part of the alluvial fan after the beginning skree, but just based off of looks from the bottom, one of our party members said it looked really steep at the top of the left alluvial fan, so we opted for the right.

Great fun, great adventure, great weather.


Time3.png 6 hours
3 people
Intermediate to Advanced
Abby Wines (39 reports)
Comment: Ropewiki shows tracks for 3 different routes to get to Lizard King. We followed the approach up the super-steep alluvial fan to the ridge south of the south fork of Lizard King. But then I got lazy and though we could just go downhill once we got to 1,400 feet on the ridge, rather than continuing up the ridge and going around to head of the south fork. So we were in a fork south of the south fork, which joined the canyon just below the confluence of north and south forks by way of a 120-foot rappel.

The previous day we had done Diabolic Passage. One of the approaches to Lizard King is to go up the Diabolic Passage approach (north of the north fork). I haven't done it, but it looks like you have a lot of uncesssary uphill, then a lot of downhill before it turns into a canyon.

The other approach would be up a steep loose slope farther south than the Diabolic Passage. I have no info about that, it didn't look appealing.

Canyon was suprisingly nice. I would definitely do this again on a short-canyon day. Nice alternative to Helios/Coffin/High Noon/Scorpion/Vinagaroon/Arachnophobia.




Time3.png 5 hours
3 people
Beginner to Expert
Robtsp (1 reports)
Comment: All of the anchors were gone presumable in the Scotty Castle flood of Oct 18 2015. Guess that shows the popularity of some of these DV canyons that no one has been here since. We rebuilt all of them and they are all usable and good. But as always could stand more refinement if more people go through. At the top it is not necessary to go all of the way to the drop in that the description indicates. just go a little uphill from when the south facing approach gully meets the ridgeline and head down to join the main gully just above the first rappel. Just not worth going higher.

Have fun, be safe.




Special challenges
Time3.png 7 hours
3 people
Intermediate to Advanced
French de (33 reports)
Comment: Took the route up the right side starting from the large alluvial fan. Pretty easy climb up.

Replaced all of the anchors with black webbing and added some quick links. First rappel is off of a knot choke the rest are all rock cairns anchors.