Conditions:Nobe Young Creek-20160627173540

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26 Jun 2016 (8 yrs, 7 mos ago)

Reported by: CC (93 reports)

Shallow wading
Water temperature:
Time: Time2.png 3 hours Bar2.png

Team: 3 people with experience level Advanced

Trip report URL:

Comments: There are lots of brush, thwacking, logs hopping, traversing on the side ledges to avoid cluttered log jams in the water course, poison oak, Be aware of slippery rock with pine needles and dirt on it even with stealth rubber. On this date not much flow and a few puddles that were fine getting clothes wet in on a very hot 90F day, not sure why but we carried wetsuit & didn't need to use, bypassed all rappels except for maybe 2, the 1st waterfall accessed by the 0.2 miles trail in is the only one worth visiting. We were able to setup a shuttle for the 1 mile paved road and 2.8 mile fire road. The 2.8 fire gravel/dirt road is wide & several vehicles passed by on the exit fire road during our time there. very basic canyon needing to push through the jam ups. just my opinion: not on my list to revisit unless a large flow comes through and cleans up the brush and logs, mainly because of the long drive there and many other options in the area.

All condition reports

Date Quality Waterflow Wetsuit Difficulty Time Team Reported by




Special challenges
Time1.png 1 hour
1 people
Willie92708 (973 reports)
Comment: Since I had a few hours before dark, I rode my MTB from Clay Pigeon Camp to the upper trailhead in 20 minutes, then down the approach trail in a few more minutes. I saw the trail to the top of the upper falls (R1) with sticks laid across it. Just a bit further the trail continues down the ridge and also has sticks laid across it. The spur trail to the left goes steeply downhill to the main falls, so I locked my bike here. I proceeded down the steep trail, checked out the beautiful falls (see pic). I did not want to get wet on this recon trip, so I headed down stream traversing well out of the creek bottom on right. I soon reached the second falls (R2), which are more of a cascade. Since it looked difficult to hike around the 2nd falls, I hiked back up on the ridge, following the old road bed (now the approach trail) straight back to my bike and rode back to camp for a 1.5 hours camp to camp trip.
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  • 26 Jun 2016


    Shallow wading


    Time2.png 3 hours
    3 people
    CC (93 reports)
    Comment: There are lots of brush, thwacking, logs hopping, traversing on the side ledges to avoid cluttered log jams in the water course, poison oak, Be aware of slippery rock with pine needles and dirt on it even with stealth rubber. On this date not much flow and a few puddles that were fine getting clothes wet in on a very hot 90F day, not sure why but we carried wetsuit & didn't need to use, bypassed all rappels except for maybe 2, the 1st waterfall accessed by the 0.2 miles trail in is the only one worth visiting. We were able to setup a shuttle for the 1 mile paved road and 2.8 mile fire road. The 2.8 fire gravel/dirt road is wide & several vehicles passed by on the exit fire road during our time there. very basic canyon needing to push through the jam ups. just my opinion: not on my list to revisit unless a large flow comes through and cleans up the brush and logs, mainly because of the long drive there and many other options in the area.


    Shallow wading

    Thin wetsuit

    Time3.png 6 hours
    3 people
    Intermediate to Advanced
    ARosen (20 reports)
    Comment: It was very hot the day we went but you get a good soaking on the first rappel and most of the canyon is in the shade. Don't skip the first rappel, which is the most fun. The rest can be done as controlled slides on rappel. We dropped into the narrow slot section at the end of the canyon to add one rappel. We saw at the exit that there is a gravel road with a pullout big enough for a car. Leaving a shuttle vehicle here cuts out a 2.6 mile, mosquito filled, mostly sun hike all uphill. No poison oak, some stinging nettle. Pine needles on wet granite meant everyone slipped at least once but the hike is almost like a maintained trail. A pretty canyon that can make for an easy Sunday following a more challenging Saturday.
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